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    Macau is well known as a gaming city in Asia and even in the world, where the environmental protection is always a focus for the governmental administration and public concern. In the meantime, the subject of urban environment and city development is also a sustaining research interest for the academic society of Macau and it is also a hot topic for collaborative researches of Macau scholars and the scholars from Beijing and Guangzhou and Hong Kong as well as the Pearl River delta region. For this reason, Macau Environmental Research Institute (MERI) is established in September, 2015, and is becoming the key research institute in Macau University of Science and Technology.

    MERI is committed to a research strategy in accordance with the social, economic and cultural significance of Macau. We organize full-scale academic communication and cooperation with research institutions in Macau, from periphery and around the world. With these capacities combined, MIRI hopes to further carry out the systematic researches on the new environmental topics in Macau, and endeavors to build an advantaged research platform for interested scholars and students and to offer original and meaningful research findings for local and international academics. The research fields will mainly include but not limited to:

    • Vehicle emission pollution and risk analysis;
    • Urban ambient air quality simulation and prediction;
    • Environmental pollution and risk analysis of Macau estuary;
    • Solid waste recycling and management;
    • Urban energy saving and emission reduction, and clean energy resources utilization;
    • Ecological remediation of urban landscape lake;
    • Public health and urban environmental pollution;
    • Life cycle assessment method and application;
    • Applications of remote sensing and urban geographic system;
    • Strategic studies for city sustainable development and sustainable development index system;
    • Environmental Quality Standard and Risk Assessment of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao
    • Recovery theory and technology for the contaminated soil

    An efficient crew of full-time and part-time researchers established the solid basis for teaching and research of the institute. We also built the stable cooperation relationship with the university in mainland China, such as Tsinghua University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shenzhen University.

    In addition, MERI had launched a master program on Environmental Science and Management. At the same time, we are also preparing for the application of Ph.D degree program.


    开云手机版官方登录:Contact Us


    A208, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau

    Master Programs:

    Tel: (+853) 8897-1758 
    E-mail: meri_enquiry@must.edu.mo
    Fax: (+853) 2882-3280

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